Semiconductor Detectors
In X-ray
astronomy, semiconductor ionization detectors are primarily used as
of high
resolution. (See also Single Photon
Calorimeters for another use of semiconductors).
Semiconductor, or solid state detector, is a term which is usually meant
to exclude scintillation counters. The first practical devices were small
germanium surface barrier devices made in the 1950s. Since then,
improvements in material purity and microelectronics have given rise to an
array of detector types based on electron-hole pair creation in cooled
silicon or germanium, or in a number of room temperature materials such as
mercuric iodide.
Research has been driven by the need for high spectral resolution. Thus,
charge coupled devices (CCDs) and silicon drift chambers, both of which are
imaging devices with low
noise and good energy resolution, have been
frequently used as focal plane X-ray detectors. However, silicon avalanche
photodiodes have never really found their niche, because the presence of
internal gain creates an energy blur due to the statistical fluctuations in
(and spatial non-uniformity of) the avalanche process.
All solid state X-ray detectors consist of a volume of semiconducting
material, subdivided by impurity doping into regions of differing
conductivity, within which a charge collecting electric field can be
established by the application of appropriate bias voltages to a set of
surface contacts. The usual result of soft X-ray absorption in a
semiconductor is the creation of electron-hole pairs (analogous to electron
-positive ion pairs in a counting gas). Both the negatively and positively
charged charge carriers are free to move, in opposite directions, under the
influence of the applied electric field. The number of pairs created is
N=E/w, where w is the ionization energy of the material.